Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Day Ruiner or Game Changer?

Today I got a text from my boyfriend saying that he had spilled water on his laptop and will have to get his screen replaced. I immediately thought that this was it, today was gonna be a bad day for the both of us. We're both trying to save money for various things, one being a really nice trip sometime in April, sort of like a couples retreat! So when he found out he had to sink close to $700 into fixing his computer you can imagine he was none to happy. The first thing he said was "no fun money" and immediately felt so bad because he is the type of guy he wants to provide everything he can for me and treat me to whatever I want even when I don't need it. I told him not to worry about a thing and that we would find amazing date night ideas that won't cost a thing! We had little to no communication through out the evening because of his work and I knew that work would be rough tonight and I was honestly worried that he was going to come home really upset with himself and rather angry, but to my surprise he was just exhausted... no other feelings attached except that. I met him at the door like an excited puppy and squeezed him as tight as I could to let him know that everything was going to be great! We then talked for a little bit and this is when I came up with the idea for this blog post... he said that he isn't mad at himself he doesn't feel anything about the situation he just feels okay. He accepted the position he is in will make it work! So he didn't let this, lets be honest, rather big expense and thing to ruin his day he made it a game changer in his life. A new challenge if you will! To live life to the fullest, but on a very tight budget! To make his girlfriend happy (which he does by just cuddling with me and watching a movie or sitting in silence with good conversation breaking that silence) without spending any money! And to save everything he earns unless its on food and gas!

Tonight I realized that even when times get hard instead of taking the easy way and becoming angry or sad, take the high road and find something good to focus on instead or find the lesson you've learned and move on. For my boyfriend, I think he'll be buying a new case the second he gets his computer back. As for me, I learned that I have the most incredible boyfriend who no matter how hard his day is he is always happy to see me and talk about his day.

~ Woman Seeking Game Changers

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