Tuesday, February 7, 2017

From Self Conscious to Self Loving

Another late night post from this woman seeking sleep! Well today was a pretty good day overall, I realized that I had set my goal level for my calorie counter to high cause I could barely eat the amount of calories it wanted me to. So I haven't mentioned yet, but I am using My Fitness Pal to count calories and track my exercise cause I have tried lots of diets and none of them work, but thats a blog post for another day! Maybe tomorrow actually.... I don't know we'll see. But tonight I want to talk about how I felt super crappy about myself today when trying to find something to wear and I tried on about 5 different things, you know like in those movie montages? yea that was me today! Anyway I finally found something I thought was cute, but I didn't really know if it was like fashionable, and I try really hard to be fashionable because my whole life I miss the mark by a little bit! So I texted my fam bam and asked them what they thought and they all thought it was really cute and that I need to let go and enjoy the outfit today. So I did! I added some cute wedges and I was out the door! I know what you're thinking wedges in February? well folks, it felt like spring was here and in full swing today so I broke out my wedges and floral print with a pink top and I felt pretty good. I was still tugging at my shirt and hiking up my pants and I felt like nothing fit me and that I probably looked like I was trying way to hard. I walked into a class and everyone loved it, they didn't spend forever talking about it or anything but a simple cute outfit, or you look good and I just felt great! You know its true what they say, that dressing nice makes you carry yourself different and most of the times for the better. Now don't get me wrong dressing up means something different for everyone so I'm not saying that every woman needs to put on a dress and heels to feel great, I just mean every woman needs to dress up every once in a while in what she feels confident and strut her stuff! We all deserve too. Of course my wonderful boyfriend was just dying over my look today and he couldn't stop saying how pretty I looked and how beautiful I was.... which lets be real doesn't hurt at all! Bottom line is that today I was able to stop hating on myself and the way my body looks right now and dress it in something flattering that made everyone notice me in the clothes not the clothes on my body.

I think this is a good place to stop before I get into my whole history of self hating and constantly wanting to change, but get ready for a long blog post tomorrow cause we will be going down the rabbit whole... but we'll emerge on the other end better for it, at least I will!

~ Woman Seeking Self Love

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